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Working experience

July-August 2023

Prop maker

49° Festival della Valle d'Itria

Contribution to the creation of the theatrical stage for the opera productions of the 49th edition of the Festival della Valle d'Itria.

December 2022

Set Design

Vertigo Lab - Politecnico di Torino

Design and adaptation of the location for the short film "L'Innesto" by Gabriele Campanella.

July-August 2022

Prop maker

48° Festival della Valle d'Itria

Contribution to the creation of the theatrical stage for the opera productions of the 48th edition of the Festival della Valle d'Itria.

January 2022

Set Design

Fargo Film srl

Design and adaptation of the location for the short film "Laila" by Pier Francesco Coscia and Andrea Bandinelli.

January 2022

Set Design

Vertigo Lab - Politecnico di Torino

Design and adaptation of the location for the short film "Saudade" by Pier Francesco Coscia.

July-August 2021

Prop maker

47° Festival della Valle d'Itria

Contribution to the creation of the theatrical stage for the opera productions of the 47th edition of the Festival della Valle d'Itria.

May-June 2021

Help on stage

Mosaico Danza

Internship activity included in the study plan of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin in collaboration with Mosaico Danza. Pre-assembly and disassembly for the International Contemporary Dance Festival - INTERPLAY/21.

  • Packing and unloading of the elements foreseen for the exhibition;

  • Assembly and disassembly of lights;

  • Arrangement of dance carpets and backdrop shooting;

  • Carpet cleaning for exhibitions.

February - April 2021

Set Design

Scuola Holden - Contemporary Humanities

Internship activity included in the study plan of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin in collaboration with the Holden School.

  • Design and creation of the sets for the short film "La Prima Volta" by Giorgio Reclama;

  • Budget management for scenographic elements.

August-October 2020

Video Design

Fondazione Arturo Toscanini

Internship activities. Contribution to the creation of the choral video-creation project "Contatto", under the supervision of the artists and collaborators of the Fondazione Toscanini, collaborating on the conception of the dramaturgy, the creation of the scenography and props, the video shooting and the final editing, in union with the musical compositions created by the students of the musical composition course.

January - June 2019

Set Designer Assistant

Art Studio Ballet - Daniela Zlavog

Collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce for Daniela Zlavog's "Art Studio Ballet" dance school, for the scenographic creation of the show "Alice in Wonderland".

  • Creation of images and videos for backdrop projection;

  • Design creation of the poster for the show.

Education and training

October 2020 -
October 2023

Academic diploma - Second Level

Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin
Set Design for Cinema and Television
Final vote: Top grade

October 2019 -
September 2020

Professional qualification

Fondazione Paolo Grassi onlus - Martina Franca (TA)
Responsible for the conception, design and production of scenic environments.
Final vote: 94,25/100

October 2016 -
June 2020

Academic diploma - First Level

Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Lecce
Set Design
Final vote: Top grade

September 2011 -
July 2016

Artistic high school diploma

I.I.S.S. "Luigi Russo" - Monopoli (BA)
Audiovisual and Multimedia.
Final vote: 80/100

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